Please indicate which show you are submitting to in the title of your piece.

Produced by So Say We All, a 501c3 literary and performing arts nonprofit based in Southern CA, The VAMP Storytelling Showcase is a highly-produced, non-fiction, multimedia reading series. Each showcase revolves around a different theme, which is heavily open to interpretation by submitting writers. Out of each round of submitting writers, a cohort is selected to work together over the course of 3-4 weeks in read-and-critique sessions, provided with writing and performance coaches, and finally provided with a live showcase to perform their original true stories.


  • You can submit to ANY of our upcoming VAMP Showcases at any time.
  • Submit here for So Say We All's monthly San Diego VAMP Storytelling Showcase only. Please include a brief bio and your e-mail in the comments section when submitting. VAMP live performances are usually, unless otherwise noted, held on the last Thursday of the month.
  • Work should fall between 7-10 minutes in length, however we will consider any length within reason on the understanding that the work will be edited down as close to this length as possible while maintaining its integrity. Between 140-160 words per minute is an average guide. Style, voice, and literary form can vary widely, but we're looking for true, non-fiction stories that usually involve a transformation (of you, a character, a place, etc.) and offer an insight that we can relate to.
  • Please be aware that there is a coaching and critique process for all accepted VAMP submissions. Coaching sessions & crits are MANDATORY. If your piece is accepted and you can't make scheduled sessions, please let us know right away. All reasonable accommodations will be made. We want you to give the best performance possible when we put you on stage.
  • So Say We All does not claim any ownership or first-time publication rights to pieces submitted to the VAMP Storytelling Showcase. VAMP is a writing workshop and performance forum. We accept previously published/ performed work as long as the submitter is willing to participate in the rewrite process.

All scripts are read and voted on by a blind peer review panel comprised of individuals who have performed at previous VAMP Showcases, to ensure bias or nepotism does not affect the selection process. Therefore, please: DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME ANYWHERE IN YOUR SCRIPT OR FILE NAME. SERIOUSLY.

VAMP stories are selected around 5.5 weeks prior to each showcase date (e.g.: stories for a June 29 showcase would be chosen around May 23). Stories will not be selected prior to 6 weeks before show date.

Thanks, good luck, and please don't be disheartened if you aren't selected. A rejection is not a statement on the quality of your writing or your personal worth. There are dozens of factors at play when putting a show together, and we want it to always be a reflection of community at large and the people who comprise it.  


So Say We All

Produced by So Say We All, a 501c3 literary and performing arts nonprofit based in Southern CA, The VAMP Storytelling Showcase is a highly-produced, non-fiction, multimedia reading series. Each showcase revolves around a different theme, which is heavily open to interpretation by submitting writers. Out of each round of submitting writers, a cohort is selected to work together over the course of 3-4 weeks in read-and-critique sessions, provided with writing and performance coaches, and finally provided with a live showcase to perform their original true stories.


  • We aim for the final versions of stories falling around 10 minutes in length; you can submit a story of any length as long as you know eventually it must get cut down to meet it. 
  • Style, voice, and literary form can vary widely, but we're looking for true, non-fiction stories that usually involve a transformation (of you, a character, a place, etc.) and offer an insight. The short hand of this, is to say: care about your audience and make sure your story has something for them.
  • Please be aware that there is a coaching and critique process for all accepted VAMP submissions. Coaching sessions & critis are MANDATORY. If your piece is accepted and you can't make scheduled sessions, please let us know right away. All reasonable accommodations will be made. We want you to give the resources that allow you to have best written and performance pieces possible when we put you on stage. 
  • Be humble and kind, be willing to help the other people you'll love to meet and graciously accept feedback from if you're accepted. There is nothing you have done that will excuse you from participating in our little process. No show boats, nothing about being an author, nothing about winning a storytelling competition, no IMDB or Linked-in credits. Enjoy the comradery. 
  • You own the rights to your story in all ways. So Say We All does not claim any ownership or first-time publication rights to pieces submitted to the VAMP Storytelling Showcase. VAMP is a writing workshop and performance forum. We accept previously published/ performed work as long as the submitter is willing to participate in the rewrite process. We only claim the right to the video and audio we record of the performance.

All scripts are read and voted on by a blind peer review panel comprised of individuals who have performed at previous VAMP Showcases, to ensure bias or nepotism does not affect the selection process. Therefore, please: DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME ANYWHERE IN YOUR SCRIPT OR FILE NAME. SERIOUSLY.

VAMP stories are selected around 5.5 weeks prior to each showcase date (e.g.: stories for a June 29 showcase would be chosen around May 23). Stories will not be selected prior to 6 weeks before show date.
Thanks, good luck, and please don't be disheartened if you aren't selected. A rejection is not a statement on the quality of your writing or your personal worth. There are dozens of factors at play when putting a show together, and we want it to always be a reflection of community at large and the people who comprise it.

So Say We All

So Say We All